Women - a strong personality

Although women are physically weaker and even some exceptions, but very emotional. The feeling of belonging to a family demonstrates their importance. The focus of his personality and central point of authority within femininity, explains all the unanswered questions. The dogma of the religious situation of women and their interpretations are subjective. Responds to the needs and desires of special interests. The role of women is still low and described as inappropriate andunproductive. The reality is that, contrary to popular belief small and insignificant. Looking at it without bias, we analyze the strong personality of a woman. The following will be the basis of the importance and obligation of a woman.

When Our Lady of Fatima Zahra, daughter of the Prophet Muhammad was born after Muhammad said: "She is the mother of his father." (In Arabic it is called, Umea ABIH). The Arabic word "order": the mother, for example Ummul Kitabmeans the mother of all books. Hence the importance of women as a result of ignorance and arrogance of the ancient Arab culture and tradition are highlighted. A society dominated by men, that women could not reconcile with them in the same way as humans. In the past, buried her daughter alive. He was embarrassed when a girl born into a family. The departure from tradition and improving the situation of women in Muslim society, turning was higher inArabian Peninsula. The current generation of women in Islamic countries, particularly in the Arab world has witnessed a considerable change. The outlook for men is evolving, and many girls and older women are educated and go to school.

The developed countries and developing countries, will experience a big jump for women in all spheres of life. However, developing countries and most African countries are still struggling to create and recognize women who are gooddeserved status. Awakening can and wants to push women to the forefront of the promotion and dissemination. This century has seen an increase in the number and size of the power of women. Their expertise and quality results are felt in all areas of knowledge. The growth of women in a positive direction no doubt change the landscape of men. The effects on children are incredible, as the influence of mothers on the personality of children is deep andsustainable. E 'in the form of the Charter of the child. And 'well-known that accept more than eighty percent of the children of Mother Nature. Therefore, it is our duty to ensure that women are treated with due respect and sanctity is protected and not used for selfish and self. Children should always remember the role of women in their lives is very important and laudable.


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