Spirit and reason

As we all know that the spirit which is responsible for his thoughts and feelings, activities of reasons. It 'also true that the reason a rational basis for belief or action. The human mind analyzes their ability to reason and reach a logical conclusion. The willingness to accept or ignore the result, partly or completely dependent on their ulterior motives.

The spirit receives its input from other sources vary either consciously or unconsciously. THATAims and objectives influence the mind. The influence of internal or external, the dominant effect on the merits of maturity. Maturity of mind is directly proportional to education and knowledge. It 'so important to know that education is not knowledge as a body without a soul. Therefore, the spirit is willing to increase their purchases of knowledge and practice. The purpose of life is a failure, in which knowledge has remained as a latentForce.

The spirit, the seat of thought and analysis, will become a source of energy. It will have an impact on all aspects of life of the masses worldwide. The force, regardless of their status, have expressed their intentions into action. The rationality of action is summarily executed for the good of mankind and humanity. The absence of reasons which led to a lot of damage for present and future generations.

The positive mood and gesturesgive an incredible life and important results. This will benefit humanity and for humanity and offers a peaceful coexistence. The values that these activities are determined by the behavior.

It 'important to understand the meaning and definition of the object. It 'also was endorsed by all reasonable people understand the importance of structural hot item. And 'characteristic that action requires a target excited, the reasons for this actionfor what purpose and meaning of behavior exists. The behavior of the preparations, which are directly affected by an attitude. E 'therefore evident that attitudes and behavior are linked. The attitude and behavior more motivated to a stimulus. The reason, in turn, transmits the first impulse to every action and desire.

The purpose of it must be clear. Should be an absolute form is not in an abstract sense. THATFact that the phenomena of goals, how to stay in shape, being both individually and collectively. This is very important, greed, in conjunction with the desire to control. The will, which are part of the objectives and realities must be protected from greed. If you understand all the subtle nuances and greed, lust, mind and reality.

The spirit and theme are like the fabric of human tissues. This will be a source of guidancehumanity, if reason prevails and maturity. People who support these habits and develop cohesive forces within themselves a real service to humanity.


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