Relationships, Not Money, Make the World Go Round

'Money money everywhere but nary some wealth for me.' Excusing my taking liberty with the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, is this a sentiment you might express?

Annually over 14 trillion dollars are at work in the U.S. economy alone. Worldwide over 54 trillion dollars of recognized value flows. Hundreds of billions of Dollars, Euros and Yen change hands daily through millions of transactions. The world is awash in money as it is awash in desires. Billions of people, trillions of dollars, limitless wants and needs, yet still some struggle to make ends meet. Where is the disconnect? Does money make our world go round?

After all, what is money and why does it matter?

Money is a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value - whether it's in a coin, a note, a commodity, a resource, a structure, a product or a service. Money equates to value, to worth. Worth, ultimately however, is the ability to satisfy a want, a need, or a desire. Money is essentially a psychologically shared provision.

You see money is the creative invention of the human mind, made possible by our ability to abstractly accord value to symbols and infer trust to agreements. Money is a social device; a social tool. To understand and accept value in any thing - a paper bank note, a gold coin, a credit card, or a contract - requires the consent of individuals and the community. Money exists because of, and has evolved as, a product of human relationships.

The money or wealth an individual controls is not so much about "stuff" as it is about relationships. Any object only has value relative to a human being's desires. If no one wants an object or service, that object or service has no value - the object or service is worthless. Money moves to meet people's wants and needs.

In our expanding universe resources are unlimited yet by a shortsighted focus on the power of money people often face apparent scarcity. This focus on money has produced a collective of haves and have nots. Perceiving scarcity people turn from cooperation to competition. Money, in truth however, is not an end, is not a thing, it is a means - a means to satisfy desires. So if money moves to meet desires, and desires are the province of people, the real key to wealth is relationship.

The money that flows through you is a measure of the wants, needs and desires you satisfy. So, if you have not achieved the financial success you desire, if you are not where you want to be, if you seek to achieve a level of greatness, it is time to start building relationships.

While it is said, "Money makes the world go round," realize it is not money that matters. It is not things, it is not power - it is people. The wants, needs and desires of people move the world. If you intend to be wealthy - build relationships. Relationships, not money, make the world go round.


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