The Marine Corps is divorce

My son has just described an article on how to increase the Marine Corps almost 4% and found the number of failed marriages in the past year. Of course, the article's author, attributed the increase to the rigors of military deployment. I think not.

Our society has become so accustomed to all these excuses for failed marriages, each one an excuse to take a day. The reality is that our society in general, simply have no idea of ​​what the marriage orThe expectations of each person who is committed to this life.

If the pairs, to speak in a troubled marriage, I admit, I had no idea what they were getting into. At the time of reality shows that are ill-equipped to define. They face struggles and internal conflicts, so overwhelming, it can hardly be a balance. I speak of really good people. I talk to people, and gathered for a realLife. I'm not talking about people with the idea that, while not working married only to divorce. I think people are very rare. But marriage is a source of confusion for those who go to him without adequate preparation.

The Marine Corps has some of the best people in our society and teaches them to be faithful to the laws of fidelity. This is not for lack of loyalty that will fail. This is because I do not know. As for mereferred to the importance of teaching the basics, like life in our schools is essential to the happiness and stability of our society. And the Marines, and assume all the others, the tragedy of divorce, I offer my deepest condolences.


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