List of equipment and hiking gear

Walking is an outdoor activity, adventure walk on the wild is often along the route. Hiking gear is a gear or equipment during a walk outside. Hiking equipment not only helps your walk, but also protection against various weather conditions and circumstances.

Some excursions are important tools and equipment:

Or shoes: hiking boots hiking gear A are most important. Hiking bootsis available in different shapes, sizes and styles. Shoes should be sturdy enough to be on the site. Hikers usually choose boots or shoes by the time and the type of track is based. With shoes, socks right choice is equally important. Hikers choose socks to help absorb the sweat of the feet of walkers, which provides heat and provide buffering in the shoe.
or a hat, a hat, before fresh in the summer heat in the snow, and protection against heatthis
or clothing: Clothing should be considering the climate zone, and excursions can be selected. Normal clothes will not work. When the delicate fibers. If you walk for a week, then two, three changes of clothes to keep.
or bush Mariner: A sailor's "help" to determine magnetic north and south to walk the earth useful computer. Polo improve the safety and efficacy Mariner compass. Kompass is alsoThe longitude and latitude, creating a much improved navigation capabilities for hiking. It will be particularly useful if you got yourself lost in the desert.
cards or: help travelers determine the route of the march. And be an important tool for survival in the wilderness. There is also water in the desert and take you, if you lose the road.
Diet and food or water, preferably to maintain a low water content,Water levels. storage of mineral water, rather than take up two or three days, while on his way.
tent or strolling in a week, use a cloth or plastic sheet for the production of a tent.
Electronic flashlight or torch: the torch flashlight or electronically will be very useful, especially if you are walking at night. It will prove an important tool to survive in the wild.

In addition to this, if you're on a foot a week, you must use aessential hiking gear as plastic bags, toilet paper, boxes of matches or a lighter, a knife, insect repellent fabric, first aid kit first pocket, binoculars and sunglasses.


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