All maritime radio

A marine VHF radio in all major vessels and ships of small boats. An FM radio is mainly used boats and vehicles to avoid collisions, but you can call the emergency services and help you connect with the marine doors and locks.

In some countries like the UK, these FM radio are even prohibited, unless authorized by the competent authority. Some people abuse and use of radio frequencies for maritime safety and communications in the other.In the waters of the United States can also receive FM radio signals, the days of radio, which is made available. The newspaper Mariner, Marine VHF is a necessity and is very useful for everyday uses.

Marine radios can be the "voice" or "digital selective calling (DSC). SDC is a feature that lets other ships and vessels in the area of ​​alarm with a touch of a button. Most of the DSC marine radio units are offer greater reliability and high fixedPower transmission. Voice Call is based solely on the human voice and their choice of vocation, and classic style

The operation of a marine radio is essential and mandatory for all ships. All vessels must be careful to keep Channel 16, but if you try to communicate on the channel you are sitting on another channel must be selected. NATO alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie), Pro-words (check the radio, receive, hold), and the number system of phonetic (also WunTree) are acceptable ways to communicate with an FM radio.

There are up to 88 channels for use between the United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Australia and New. The United States and Canada have the lowest usable channels compared to other countries. Most of the channels on a VHF radio are the ships used by the Coast Guard, local government, water, roads, and non-commercial. Make sure you have a list of all channels and costumes before marine radio to a selectedChannel.


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