You can get a DUI on a horse?

DUI on a horse. Is it possible? You will be surprised that the accusations against persons DUI on a horse before learning in 2009 (contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as a DUI at the time, was that the dominant mode of travel). Which reminds me, this is not a kind of bizarre objects, trying to read anything. I do not want to talk about DUI law in 1880. This is an analysis of current DUI laws, and walksHorse could get drunk today.

Because I am a Seattle, Washington, Seattle DUI DUI lawyer goes right in my example, the analysis of the use, if you can get a DUI on a horse. And if I can be sure, this may be one of the few occasions that the law of Seattle is actually using a map of all fifty states. If true, I must ask, however, that if you have a question and not DUI in Seattle, please contact a DUI lawyer in your stateand talk to them. The laws of one state to another can vary, so make an informed decision, you need to know the laws in your state.

We at DUI in a test of the horses. It begins like any other day. You go to your friends to ride their horses (who lives in one of these events, which built on horseback on the trails of the subdivision). But before leaving, go to the Mariner game show. Whilethe game, because it is a Saturday and all, decided to take a couple of beers. And sometimes ten. At the end of the game are pretty drunk, but riding and racing anyway.

Midway is located in a residential street in transition between songs, if a cop pulls Seattle and ask what you do. You tell him, and asked to examine the horse. Even if you do not realize until that moment, yethave all their gear Mariner, including uniform (you're a big fan). As Seattle police officer speaks, it will ask if you've been drinking. You say yes and then they decide to take the sobriety tests. And you can be arrested for drunk driving Seattle.

Finally, if you talk with your DUI attorney in Seattle, said he immediately dropped the charges. But how? Let DUI law, to find out.

RCW 46.61.502, that drunk driving isa vehicle in this state under the influence of alcohol or drugs exciting. Seattle DUI can be proved in three ways: (1) an alcohol test of 0.08, (2) The signs of intoxication by alcohol or drugs, or (3) evidence of intoxication by alcohol and drugs.

But the analysis is to begin, though, because it was a notch above. The definition of "vehicle". And the vehicle, as you can imagine, it includes many things - but they all have engines and wheels to move, andas a kind of machine. I want to clarify the definition of vehicle, but it is too long. But I can tell you one thing, the horseless vehicle.

So here it is. You can not be convicted of drunk driving on a horse in Seattle. Does not work, because the horse can not be regarded as a vehicle and driving is a necessary element of the crime. This does not mean, however, that could be charged with other crimes, or enter into a drunken horse. If you do notI can not really hurt in a fall from his horse.


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