What happened to Marina?

Rivalries aside, most people agree, the Navy
more difficult Corp. has some of Uncle Sam

Unfortunately, the Marine Corps, like many military
The organizations have been victims of political
The correction in modern times.

In 2001, the Marines moved from their fight
best practices for a system of close combat
which aims to "capture" and then do not kill
The aggressors. Funny, I never thought that the Marines had
a problem with killing peoplefirst ... Y
Scumbag terrorists do not seem to have
The problem is that is killing us.

While the Marines were first established in 1775 to
Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, PA, Close Quarter
Combat (CQC) training strongly emphasized

Although everyone knows your qualified
Snipers shot rig
Ships, it is important to remember that
Marines also revolutionized the fighting techniques, such as
approached by enemy shipsThe use of firearms and swords.

For over a century Marines have fought in every major
Conflict of fight against the pirates, rebels and other
The enemies of the United States. The Marines were
fight hard, but if the United States
enter the second world war to make some new training

The First World War brought a series of changes
Marines. The company has grown rapidly in size
and the Germans have given the Marine Corps
Nickname "Devil Dogs". ToChallenges
struggle against the grave, the Marines have also improved their
scrum training.

The man is largely responsible for recasting
J. Anthony Drexel Biddle was a member of
Marine Corps as a captain at the age of 41 even if it was new
for the military, which was a rich celebrity
experienced boxer and began to tell what he knew
with the Marines. He taught bayonet
control techniques based in fencing, boxing and

During the two warsIn other years, more men
Biddle to improve training. Captains Cup
Greene and Samuel B. Griffith, who had
Shanghai-based training with the police in the UK
William Fairbairn agent.

Fairbairn was more than six hundred street
The struggles and has written several books on the closure
to fight. He is impatient, he knew that the
U.S. Marines. They also learned shooting
Friend of the best techniques and Fairbairn
The weapons expert Eric Sykes.

L 'Marines learned well and soon Fairbairn
Techniques, some of Marine CQC

The combat system is more Marines
influenced by others during the Second World War, when the
Marines fought a brutal island-hopping
Campaign in the Pacific.

Marina John Styer a student of Biddle
took what he learned and wrote in cold steel.
Originally a series of articles in Leatherneck
magazine showed Styer Marines fightwith
a knife and a rifle with a bayonet. Showed
which could contribute to the fight against armed Marines
further with their weapons.

The Marines also learned from another student
Fairbairn, Col. Rex Applegate. Although a
Crack Shot made it clear that Applegate
Hand to hand combat training was a necessary part

As the Marines approached the combat system
by a number of other changes and names, each
ReincarnationSystem instead of dense
doctrines and methods of Biddle, Sykes,
Fairbairn, Applegate and how the concept of
Battlefield survival was always in mind.

In 1980 the system began to fall. L '
the growing popularity of mixed martial arts, many
Marines began to leave the real
documented and proven methods "simple"
Combating the mysteries of modern
Martial Arts and pseudo-science (also known as totally
Not TestedManure).

In 1996, the assessment of the nearby sea
The combat training and noted that the new system
has been developed for the treatment of other subjects
War (MOTW).

Before the formation of all waste (including
80) has been developed with the concept of kill or
deaths "are. The new system is more concerned
maintenance of peace and non-lethal
Power ... very stupid men are trained in our
First line.

Marine Corps Martial Arts againProgram (MCMAP)
It 's like a piss poor combined version of Tae Kwon
Do and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Nothing like the only battle tested
Marines techniques have been successfully
more than 200 years, but a mixture of two Mohsen
martial arts master (either the battlefield
proven documentation) someone will come

Look, in Iraq and Afghanistan is all
Close Combat and the enemy in close
House. L 'Marines do not have a strong system of CQC
to play a politically correct Patty Cake
the enemy.


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