Venus and the greenhouse effect

The high surface temperature of Venus has been confirmed by radio astronomers in 1950 and subsequently by the probe Mariner 2 space probe Venera and in the years 1960 and 1970. Normally one would expect that the surface temperature of Venus should be calculated in the field of solar systems, typically less than 200K. But the Soviet Union Venera vehicles were landed on the surface of Venus is a global environment with a pressure of 90 bar andTemperatures well above 700K. Scientists have been fascinated by this observation for some time, but soon found the answer in the greenhouse.

Venus has almost a million times more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of our planet Earth. greenhouse effect on Venus is as planet Earth. distribution of sunlight in the atmosphere of Venus' surface is heated, but the carbon dioxide acts like a blanket to keep warm or spread of infrared radiation in space.Therefore, the area of global warming, a balance between incoming solar heat out of the resident and management of radiation.

An interesting question, which shows what we know about the Venetian atmosphere is one that is particularly interesting for us in one of our planet, as well as emissions of carbon dioxide due to human activities, gives us increase the risk of severe temperature the surface of our planet .. It could be that Venus has beguna state similar to Earth, but somehow developed through mechanisms that may be afraid that began on the planet today, in their condition? This is particularly important because in many aspects of Venus is a planet similar to Earth with a composition and size of the Earth and a geology very similar to ours (except the exception of a tectonic plate tectonics on Venus stationary or "Blob replaced) . \ A detailed study of the atmosphere \ Venus canSo, enlighten us on the truth or not of fear that human activity can transform the earth into the environment as an infernal Venus.

Scientists have a hypothetical scenario in which Venus started to Earth-like planets developed, however, built for the greenhouse to the cruel world it is today:

In the beginning was a warm ocean evnvironment Venus, which had melted most of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the chemical balanceIn combination with the rock surface. An increase in energy production in the sun, as, for example, solar flares with a slight additional heating of the planet's surface have been made. This leads to Carbond release carbon dioxide into the oceans and the rocks, with which it combines. The increase of carbon dioxide leads to a further rise in temperature to the greenhouse effect and leads to more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere with water.

ThisProcess is repeated and the temperature will increase further in a vicious cycle that is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at a further increase in temperature and thus the release of carbon dioxide, and so on ...

This is called the greenhouse effect. The atmosphere in the final restoration of a new equilibrium at a much higher temperature. If the new equilibrium temperature is high enough to vaporize the oceans, resulting in a warm atmosphereVapor, which contributes to global warming. Water vapor is unstable in the presence of UV radiation is divided into hydrogen and oxygen. In light hydrogen escapes into space for the element oxygen.

Scientists believe that Venus once water, but was lost on the planet into a runaway greenhouse process ..

The crucial point is that this scenario could become a reality on planet Earth?


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