British Poetry is a kind of fine literature

The theme of religion is again and again during the second half of "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner." If the old sailor came into the boat with the hermit and the pilot had a look of death. Old Mariner driver boy laughed and said that the old devil is in the Navy. It 'important to note that the times when the Mariner and begin to pray that, as a hermit inusually come at a crucial moment in the poem. The Albatross is a sin and that is why the old fisherman is forced to suffer from the culling of the birds of the Great.

The main character, the sailor has been his had a change of heart, and bowed before the albatross, neck, body prayer slipped free from the sin of killing the majestic animal. There are many parallels between the Ancient Mariner killed the Albatross and Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruitthe Garden of Eden. Like Adam and Eve, the old man was punished because Christ has set limits for us, not maintained. The old sailor was ignorant and thought and understanding of something that was out of reach. The seventh part of the poem came with the message that prayer will solve all their problems. The hermit is a positive example of how a person of faith, to act. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, he would notfor the poem of a moral education. Instead, it's just an epic story to be told.

Although the author states that nothing in the poem symbolizes the religion, which is patently false. The hermit was a holy person and their behavior is felt in the end. Without the hermit this poem has no substance. It 's a story about Christianity and the supernatural. The hermit is essential in development projects. The hermit was able to get the documentAncient Mariner witnesses the supernatural survive after being buried alive. At the end of Mariner hermit more effort in the direction of Christianity and prayer. It 'clear that due to the presence of hermits who helps former Mariner peace be on his relationship with God


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