Nautical Star tattoos the, meaning of history and symbolism - What a strange mix!

That means history and symbolism of tattoos starfish
a topic of heated debate. Today, many different groups
adopted the nautical star tattoo as a symbol of their
Movement, and has all the attributes of self-importance
History of the symbol. Therefore, a wide range of
Opinions differ about the importance tattoo.Historically
almost everyone agrees that Sailors were the first to receive
Tattoo starfish. In fact, the word nautical
refers to the candle. The link has
fairly well established. Most people would agree that
The sailors were very superstitious group historically and
Sailor rich tradition of stories and superstitions
of life and death and loss at sea in the early
Marins stars of the night and taken to the North Star
became the symbol of the search of the house. Once
Knowing where Polaris can do is choose your ship
right direction to get home. So the star became a symbol
Manufacturers of home or even symbolic
the path of life. Therefore many sailors tattoo
starfish on their forearms as a symbol of good luck
The hopes of returning home.

But its modern sense, is a matter of debate.
Many believe that groups such as gays and lesbians, punk
Rocker and the armed forces have adopted the nautical
Star tattoo as a veryimportant symbol. The variety of
These three groups were too many to support the importance of

For the military the connection is pretty obvious
Back to the early sailors and the symbolism and meaning of
Like the early navigators. Many soldiers are
star tattoo as a symbol of water to find its way back
insurance. This can, of course, more
only to find the symbolic, as in life.

Here is a quotefound by a member of the armed forces
Services and their interpretation of the tattoo:

"I'm in SU Army, an MP who searched towns
and the villages of Al Quid and rebels. I've been in Iraq for 1
Year. I have a red and black nautical star on my wrist. L '
Because I was there, because when I was there, I felt
was a guide to take me home with my family safely. I
remind me that I see around me, my
I grew up. II'm not gay, no matter what you think
it represents, means something different for everyone. Outside
in the desert, I'd like to see the stars and think
Home. Then all they want is what
means to me. "

The punk rock is as popular as a symbol that was adopted
getting a tattoo. The punk movement traces its history and
The use of the nautical star tattoo back to Sailor Jerry.
Sailor Jerry is historically one ofTattoo celebrates
Artists of all time. He was known for its innovative and well-known
Cool designs. Punks have taken this symbol and
to find the same sense, a way of life.
How punk are individualists in the type of design
The symbolism of true north and finding a way
Life. Thus, the nautical star is a symbol.
You see many punk bands that have all the tattoos sleeve
tattoos include starfish underor
Elbows or elsewhere.

The connection of gays and lesbians is that there is
It seems so obvious at first sight. Historically in the back
1940 and 50, when the alternative lifestyle that is not the norm
and women often have their alternative options that are hidden
Sport is a hidden nautical star. They are often
The star tattoo on the inside of your wrist plays a role in which
could easily be hidden by a watch during the day, but outside
inAt night, when the city. Today, many lesbians
where starfish tattoo to show their relationship with
early pioneering sisters. Here is a small
Evidence to support my points.

Here is the passage (with some pieces dropped) from "Boots
leather, slippers of gold: The story of a lesbian
Community "by Elizabeth Kennedy and Lapovsky Madeilne D. Davis
Copyright © 1993 P. 189

(Address of 1940 and 1950):

"... At the sameOver time, the cultural impulse
identify themselves as lesbians, or at least all the different times
was so powerful that it creates a new form of identification
lesbian bar in difficult conditions: a star tattoo on the top of
The doll, which was usually covered with a watch. This was the
first symbol of community identity that is not based on
butch-fem images. We can trace this phenomenon back to a
On the night of debauchery in 1950, when a pair of dams
More on "Dirty Dick's" tattoo parlor on Chippewa crowd
Road and had "the blue five-pointed star put on their
Wrists. Later, some of the group is the idea FEMS
one night, but I ... The community views the tattoo as a
identification of some characters ... "The police knew that Buffalo
[That] the people who star on the wrist, had
Lesbians and had his name and so on. It 'been a
What identity with the gay community,lesbian community
Community. "The fact that star tattoo, created by this
were placed in rolls, in fact, the group was
The Committee considered the butch FEMS butchy and suggest that
to maintain power lesbian identity was strong enough to break
through the existing traditions of boldness based in butch-FEM
Roles. The star of the precursors of the methods of identity created by
Gay Liberation. In fact, the brand has a certain
Traditionlocal circles and has seen a revival after '
1970. "

This meaning of the symbol is, of course, creates a lot
Problems and discussions with the other two groups of carriers
Most sea stars of the disk and the army
they want a star ratings, have some points
lesbian movement, many say that there is
The background is and what is false.

Here is a quote from another member of the armed forces
Symbolismthe nautical star among the gay community:

"This gay symbol" is a load of crap that someone made
Recently. The sailors star tattoo has been almost everywhere
as long as tattooing itself. The late Celts (or early Irish
depending on your point of view of world history) it says
The first is that the tattoos, although evidence for
been used on ships, while Spain are the retrospective
Irish credit.

As a sailor, is very commonSymbol of us, when
were part of a boat raid company, red for port, green was
Straight to different parts of the body. On the ship, I saw
a million variations on the sea
Serve with, of course, a return to the roots of a sailor. "

Here is a quote from a punk rocker, and his feelings about
symbolism of the tattoo:

"What idiots .. even the military guys do not know what
really means .... Only then !!!!! You know all that has been usedOLD
Sailors .. and the symbol represents North on a map ... and
is the North Star the sailors who use it to get naked
home .... You can actually use the old maps and Old Navy are
Ships ... Punk Rock .. We use it too, because we can and
because Sailor Jerry made the best tattoos that began
that are in each .. My grandfather also had a good
used as a traditional icon "

It 's just to show that when the same powerful symbolis
used over and over again in the last decades of time can give
very different meanings for different groups. So all
nautical star tattoo athletes can not view
all have the same interpretation of its symbolism.

To get a nautical star tattoo or think
always in the future? What is the meaning of the symbol
you get the star ratings? As you know
What is the symbolism is for you and go over the star
for the good reason to support both the movement of lesbians
or as a symbol for finding your way!


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