The five elements that you need on your computer sea survival

Are you ready to fly over the sea and enjoy a different holiday? Way to go, Navy! should say, as O, Sailor. However, the tools of survival at sea is important. There is a reason for all these elements are called survival. In theory, the elements, which could mean the difference between life and death, in the case of an emergency exit. Consider the five major categories of survival at sea

Marine Survival Kit # 1: Lifejacketsor west

There is swimming, the difference between an awkward moment (falling from the boat by accident) and the cool could mean the end of his life. Did you know that according to statistics, more dangerous than a boat ride in a car? Most drowning deaths do not occur in the boat and 80% of the belted jackets dead. Wear life jackets, just to be safe and some other things, that if necessary. Youmuch better to be safe and its neighbors (as in, hey you need to borrow a life jacket?) than cure.

Marine Survival Kit 2: adequate support

This means more food, more water, medical supplies, medicines and desalination, itself. You can never have enough support, and if so, which can be used for a long time to be in your best interest desalination plant to turn seawater into drinking water are just a few seconds. Note that you care for yourThe team and to bring medicine for seasickness, dizziness and other conditions, may, at its passengers, who can suddenly struck his mind.

Marine Survival Kit # 3: Sharp Objects

You may need these items to cut the fish, or even be used to cut wood. Remember to bring a lot of sharp objects in order to survive, including knives, knives, razor blades, saw (wood) and other cutting instruments such as needles and noseManage.

Marine Survival Kit # 4: Lights

In an emergency, the attention of others to detect from a distance. At night, it means a lot of bright light. So take torches and lanterns. Speaking of light, you can also put a GPS system with backlight, so you can find your way. The more light you have, the better, if you purchase waterproof. However, it also means the pack of replacement batteries for the backup.

Marine Survival Kit # 5: A Survival Guide

What the team free survival Survival Manual? With this important work, step by step instructions on how to treat a variety of scenarios to bring first aid kit in case of injuries there.

Other elements may include a series of belts for manual control, a hand pump and sponge. There are many articles on the use of marine survival, but some of them are indispensable.


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