About Albatros

The albatross is a large bird that lives predominantly in the ocean below the equator, but is also in the North Pacific. Most albatrosses are white with dark spots on its back, but some are brown with a white head. The albatross is the largest wingspan of a bird (12 feet from tip to tip).

Make this albatross long, narrow wings are simply suspended in most of his time to go home by the sea 's just to mate and lay their eggs in the soil of a single egg in a clearin sandy soils or on a shelf. Albatrosses feed on the surface of the ocean, where catches of fish, crustaceans and small floats on the water surface. Its beak is long and straight, with a strong hook at the end. The albatross is a very demanding high, and when it is full, there is little new in the air. Skitter is awkwardly on the water surface for several hundred meters before retiring.

As albatrosses follow ships. If you are on a shipfollowed by an albatross, the bird is hovering over and around. The albatross can fly for hours and plan to beat its wings. In the days when ships had sails, sailors thought it was bad luck to kill an albatross. The English poet Coleridge wrote about this superstition in a famous ballad entitled The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.


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