fantasy books for women

They are) looking for some of the best fantasy books for women (or speculative fiction books written for girls, then read this guide

It is not surprising that women want to do a kind of fantasy than men. Many women complain of speculative fiction are almost all male-oriented. Fear not though. Not all books are best for men! There are some great series in the genre for women! If you are a woman who carries the characters of men tired, pathetic and womenromance wrong, you're right!

While most books of this kind is for men, there are many excellent books of this kind for girls. I have a list of recommendations for the top 10 fantasy books created for women.

# 1: Raiders of the Sea Operators (Robin Hobb)
Robin Hobb is one of the best writers of fantasy. Characterization and the writing is sublime. Robb has the ability to create magic (in every sense) worldsAll you really aspire to management Hobb novel is well done. If you are looking for a book with a fascinating world of magic with a strong woman Traders Raiders of the sea is the protagonist of the supply. It 's a book that is for both men and women react the same way - but I think that women find attractive attractive protagonist.

# 2: Water Seven Trilogy (Juliet Marillier)
Without doubt, the Mariner is a master of realism, his wife JuliaCharacters. Your September water Trilogy is a masterpiece - intelligent, complex, adventurous, and sad. This is speculative fiction Celtic with a world well-developed novel and a magical and mysterious. It 's very well written fantasy for girls!

# 3: Kushiel's Dart (Jacqueline Carey)
Read this book and experience a range of emotions: love, joy and sadness. Kushiel's Dart a perfect read for men and women - especially women. Iffocus on women to find some literature on women, and Kushiel's Dart, what you need. The female character is one of the most complex in the fantasy genre. Although the work of men and women can read, I think the strong female protagonist that makes this book particularly attractive to women.

# 4: The Lions of Al-Rass (Gaverial Guy Kay)
This man needs to write a bad book. Kay landscapes full of character completely. Kayheroines characters are always intelligent, friendly and helpful. Kay is a voice artist - who takes his art very seriously. If you're looking for some very well written, read, without all the magic powers of maturity is common in modern fantasy books and then choose from this series. Women must enjoy the characterization of the main things (women) players. A great story for women who absolutely brilliant!

# 5: Archangel (Sharon Shinn)
Lookingwonderful love story in a unique, definitely check this novel. It is a sort of Science Fiction - Fantasy new hybrid with a little 'John Milton-starring with lying about the trip. This great story has a great love story - it is interesting, the relationship between the two characters evolve from an outright rejection of love. Women seeking a serious romantic fantasy with lots of character, check out this book.

# 6: The Ruins of Amber (Exiles, Vol 1).(Rawn Melini)
Melini Rawn selection is a fantasy writer range of books for women wrote. This story is very character-driven, with a series of complex characters and a world very persuasive. Rawn capacity, layered surfaces, with their combination creates a strong writing makes this book a bit 'too popular. Without doubt, this novel is a fantastic story that all women love.

# 7: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (Susanna Clarke)
Women who are passionate aboutJane Austen and Lord of the Rings should try this book of fiction. E 'written in the Victorian style with lots of big words and flowery prose. But the story, my God! It 's great. It's not really romantic fantasy (though it has strong romantic elements), but it is a book not to be missed. He is one of the best fantasy books out there and this is my top 25 list of best fantasy books.

# 8: Dragon and Phoenix (Joan Bertin)
This novelis a real romantic hideaway in the skin of a fantastic book. But it is also a good novel. If you like fantasy books and romantic love you, I ask you to read this book. This book is fantastic novel are the women what they want, perhaps a fantasy novel, a powerful hero, the very romantic suspense, love triangles, action and intrigue. If this is a fantastic book for women sub-genre, this book is certainly qualified.

# 9: Dragon Prince trilogy (Melini Rawn)
Womenjust craving an epic fantasy of women who are very satisfied with this novel very satisfied. This novel is a fantasy epic with a cast of femme fatale. The love story between the leading men and women is the central theme of the book, but throughout the world, construction is very good. I thought it was kind of a series of Robert Jordan for girls (even if the plot is completely different.) It 'nice to see the girls' fantasy epic. Who says only men can read a great epic?

# 10: Rhapsody(Elizabeth Haydon)
It 's a good book. . This is another "great love story in the guise of the" book Haydon creates an interesting world with a lot of romantic tension this book has no excuse for a pure Ripper -. If you are looking for a fantasy novel with lots of love and sex, well, this book is sure to provide this in spades. Despite the proliferation of romantic plots, construction of the world Haydon is very good. There are different races,Cultures, religions and magic. I recommend reading the first book in the series, though - the consequences are not so good. If you run a great book against women, well, this book offers. This is a fantastic book for women!


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