Recovery of Lost - The Martin PBM Mariner
Several hours after the disappearance of Flight 19, two air search and rescue, training, 49 and 32, were sent to a limited search to replace missing. The research is not only the night had fallen, but also limited by the rising wind and rain showers of rain. Visibility is the best of the poor. At 7:29, its force levels and to save the Mariners from PBM. Training 49 was to search the area of Flight 19, last update was 32 on radio and training with the head uprightAtlantic. Shortly after its release, the formation of 49 and 32 hours of training with the tower. All is well. The training is never for the second time in 49 observations and the formation of 32 heard about it again.
9.12 A, gives the tower on the basis of a report that appeared at 7.50, Gaines Mill load a ball of fire and explosions in the night sky in the same area 32 would in this report was the formation of 49 to lead the search for the 32nd training came at 10:45 in 49 fields of trainingExplosion and I saw no sign of wreckage and debris. Surprisingly, Gaines Mill, and in the area of the explosion, also found no trace of the wreck. The Gaines Mill reported, there was no rain, lightning, at the time of the explosion. Solomon Islands, a carrier, also had a gaffe, which was reported at the time and place of the explosion disappeared.
There is no doubt that the explosion was the formation of 32, but what was the cause of the explosion and found the remains? Mariners subjectrigorous ground before the flight engineer and then assigns the commander of the aircraft, the engineer always flew on his plane, so these guys are absolutely sure that these planes were ready to fly.
There have been reports of strange lights aurora green balls and other strange unexplained lights in the Atlantic. This strange lights had exploded by observers inside and outside the coast of Florida, near the area where the sailor.
So, why the browsercalled a flying gas tank explode? There are failures? Someone lit a cigarette, which was strictly forbidden? Pilot error? Or was the explosion of one of those anomalies of the light? However, there seems to explain the absence of rubble, debris or oil slick on the water. This is the real secret.
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