Water - The miracle cure

"Water, water everywhere to drink, and not a drop." Thomas Coleridge wrote this line as part of his epic poem "Ancient Mariner" in early 1800. Nevertheless, it was clear that aquatic life is important. About sixty-five percent of the land surface is covered with water so that one finds among all the other planets. Most of our body consists of water. For example, did you know That your brain is 95 percent water? Everyone will knowcan not operate for long without water, and gave the course of history there have been wars and conflicts of water rights. But did you know that this seemingly simple remedy can help cure a number of complaints?

Exactly. According to Jacques Collins, author of "Miracle Water forgotten" that makes sense at all, because "we are drops of water in this ocean of living matter." Dr. F. Batmanghelidj recently completed more than twenty years of research on the role and health benefitsbody of water. "Their results were significant and showed that the water is more critical than we imagined. For example, Dr. Batmanghlidj wrote in his book" Water: for health, healing, not for the life you patient thirsty again, "I had the opportunity to have a man in his forties angiography revealed partial obstruction of the coronary arteries adviser. I advised him not to try to bypass without conservative treatment before suffering the disease. acceptedSet your daily intake of water and two glasses of water half hour before each meal ... Three months later, began the man was one of the most famous of Houston for the final examination and assessment of their need for a bypass. His angiogram showed no sign of the previous block. This is not surgery. "

Dr. Batmanghelidj also discovered that water can be used to prevent many neurological diseases. Since the brain is composed of water is againsensitive to the drying of other organs. "Dehydration can cause damage to blood vessels in the brain, causing bleeding and dishes that are the basis of neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease and Parkinson Heimer Alzen. The water also helps with depression by the recovery of the body of serotonin , a neurotransmitter that regulates mood of the body. Another neurotransmitter received water has increased, melatonin regulates sleep, so that waterTreatment and prevention of sleep disorders. Tired of the afternoon? Drink water, the production of "electric and magnetic energy in every cell of the body to increase the force of nature." The water is not only important to maintain our body functions, it is important to our health greatly. The lack of an adequate fluid intake, Dr. Batmanghelidj in his book makes clear, gives rise to many diseases that we are fighting today.


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