Pride & Prejudice

The chemistry of men, so mysterious habits shows that once fascinating and interesting, but its effect, if the situations are explored and application solutions. However, consider this: repetition, often unconscious pattern of behavior acquired through frequent repetition? It 'also the mood or character. As William Wordsworth said: "The normal rules of the herd without thinking.

Jane Austin's novel Pride and Prejudice, the novelLatin characters talk about the author's mind is why we must reflect on these words as the meaning and definition in terms of human society to reflect and influence the human mind.

Definition of pride, as the context is a strong sense of self or self or pleasure in the contemplation of these things taken. Pride is excessive or, sometimes, to the point that a vice, sometimes, if necessary, or as a virtue. There are several points of view, the fullcrucial, we need an objective assessment of the review, in which context is used and the circumstances in which it is expressed. It 'also interesting to note that the philosophical and religious views, but reflect many similarities, but differ in their applications. Gordon W. Allport, professor of psychology at Harvard University, said: "Two opposing groups of children in the fabric of every religion, the fabric chain of brotherhood and the impact of intolerance.

The definition of theAdvice or opinions formed no detailed examination, or the tendency to one side the question of other considerations that do not belong to him. The person or company in question shows a clear trend and intransigence. While the previous revision is serious in its approach, the influence is too materialistic in fear of society and the powerful to dominate their business. therefore shows the bias and the attitude of bias approach.

The religious conceptHowever, its significance and the concept and made it clear, leaving no room for doubt. Thus, its laws and principles are expressed or implied by those who believe and understand the faith.

lesions sectarian influence, reflects the pride of a person to do so have taken the world of illusions. There is a thin strip of highway between pride and prejudice, expression must be cautious and careful. Therefore, it is importantUnderstanding the reasons for each action and deed.It not forget that our actions speak louder than words. The meaning of human life should certainly factors which prevent any individual, are in the trap of deception and uncertainty. It elevates the status is commendable.


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