
The visitors enjoyed the warm breeze of summer nights on a small force on the East Coast. The lake's water was from the moon and the presence of fireflies light was incredibly romantic. Young couples walking on the bridge, while the best friends were sitting and remember the work he has done time. You can not see, how the transition was gradual and invisible. The progress of life in time has never been easy, but rarelyfelt. However, he repented and acknowledged that to reach the threshold of death. Fear not to take advantage of the opportunities of all time is boring. The effects of visible and invisible contingencies seem lost.

Joseph, who was tall and handsome, "said John, who included women as a source of motivation was. His power, love and feelings converge in all its beauty. Oh there a short time. The fall beauty and charm has plagued them much. YouFans and needed a shoulder to cry on. He said it was the critical moment of his life, when the woman he loved, in this situation. His face flash anger at the absence of its original charm and appeal. He felt guilty, but do not have the courage to raise morale.She recovered from the loss of brightness and charm as she grew. It 'was, as usual, immortalized forever. It reminds all souls gradually pins, thecome at a time. He said that if the grace and natural beauty began to fade as the mental capacity to play an important role and shine. Improving the situation of a person according to his abilities, actions and deeds.

He left with a satisfactory smile on his face. Joseph came home, and before retirement, looked in the mirror. Suddenly, he realized that he was the same scenario. The relaxation of the skin throughout the body was visible. Theshoulders hunched, and lost more weight than his age. The wrinkles on her face visible. An inner voice was strong and said he is now in the final stage of the journey. But covered in the course of events in life that he learned important lessons and useful. He was convinced and control.

He cleaned his teeth, and the night and changed his clothes lying on the bed. his girlfriend's face appeared before his eyes and said emphatically:"Goodbye" is asleep, never wake again.


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