The understanding of life and purpose

In this modern era, the way we live, live, one must understand and evaluate the environment and the environment that influence the process of actual people who think both individually and collectively. If we take into account the prejudice against parents and individuals, the religious coercion and disturbing nature of the human mind from the society we live in influence. Although there are other issues such as marriage, work, socializeetc., which directly and indirectly, a crucial role in individuals and masses, nor the ground of reality, which is always our way of life are the environments and surroundings.

Well! Life is not bad, but fails to expectations and perception. On the positive side, however, is to ensure the way it goes. The dynamic nature will be beneficial for the development of new ideas and deepen progressivelyFinally, showed encouraging results. Furthermore, the opposite, highlighting the negative impact on their affection for what is right and understand what is the worst game environments and neighborhoods, the devastation and to individual companies and unscrupulous, allowing the destruction of individual and collective life in society.

If we consider the factors mentioned above, the individual and spacious house, where we live, we see the resultsreveal the turmoil and unrest that we see here and read in the media. Who are the perpetrators of evil? We are not part of events that occur because of these terrible situations because of the degradation and destruction?

If we consider, and look deeper into the creation and existence, then definitely get a result that people are born without the mentality of destruction and crafts. It 's the "Environments andEnvironment, which consists of a man a beast. It 'very important, important and necessary to understand, "Environment and the Environment", from the city and progress towards their lives from cradle to grave. Good and bad effects on some part of every human being to life. The consequences will be merit and guilt of life for all individuals, families and satellite. Covey, Stephen R influence in his book "The seven habits of highly families effective said, "no doubtIt is a loss of both parents and children if the relationship is based on manipulation and popularity, rather than trust. "

If man is to show restraint and discipline in their lives, then practice thankless, ungrateful tricks, liars, and devoted. The situations in and around him / her becomes the mirror image of their actions. And 'synonymous with his personality and subsequent actions were justified, providing all the evilsaction to implement and despair in this life and the Hereafter. Fadhlalla Sheikh Hariri said: "We are the children of the nature of poultry. The question we must ask ourselves: We can grow beyond toys and continue to fight about it? Injustice manifested in decisions and actions human caused damage.

God gave man the knowledge and wisdom to reach and achieve success and satisfaction. It behooves us all to understand and evaluate the meaning of life andObjective.


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