The talent and skill

Talents and skills are two sides of same coin. Talent is an innate ability marked. Talent also emphasizes the natural ability, especially in the arts. While noting the skills developed capacity, or acquired from experience: Edward L. Thorndike synthesis rather than the intellect, character and ability of every man is the product of certain original tendencies and the training received.

Analysis and evaluation of cognitive and emotionalAppearance of talent to drive a particular knowledge of an individual personality. The gift of talent, knowledge includes psychological result of perception, learning and reflection during an emotional gift given or driven by emotion rather than reason. This difference has resulted in several plays its role, if the right conditions. This is when a talented person, a leader and decisive for achieving the desiredResults.

The other aspect is the ability of talent. To understand, has a deeper understanding of individual talent in that capacity, and encourages them to use their hidden talents, instead of crushing the talent discouraging comments. Psychologist Steven Pinker theory behind the emergence of language itself Einstein as an "interference" may be the genius of Einstein was talking with a delay of development, and inseparable from each other.

This is the point weunderstand and remember, everyone, especially children, to identify hidden potential and fruitful results. For our moral and ethical responsibility, directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously, the birth of society immoral, immoral and degenerate. The impact of this threat will hear everything about our children.

Field work is extensive and covers self-motivation, leadership and timeManagement, which is generally at rest and when the situation demands it, demonstrates the talent and knowledge or used effectively. The talent is to be used by people in terms of self-motivation or managed by good leaders and managers to achieve the desired results. The dark side is the removal of hidden talents of unscrupulous agents due to lack of education or the rejection of human values volunteer. It 'is therefore very important that we as individuals in eachCapacity of parents, teachers, neighbors, customers should and must protect our rights as human beings to new generations, or people safely exercise what they deserve, so that humanity at large and families benefited, including satellite, and harmony reigns.


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