And family responsibilities

The principle of responsibility is not his first with the birth of a human being. Immediately after the birth of a child begins to cry, the process of breathing and other activities related to the life cycle. On the other hand, parents are responsible from cradle to grave. However, the mother begins to contribute to the child from conception. The role of the father begins to provide all the care and needs of the mother is necessary. Responsibilityneeds care and the achievement of moral responsibility. The factor that pushes this responsibility is the role of a father, a man and a landlord.

The trend in modern times is monitored more or less. There is a significant proportion of people who feel the responsibility of raising children is based solely on the mother alone. The role of a father is bound to feed their families. The mother suffers from a lot of stress and tension and all servicesfor the whole family. The thoughts and feelings with family ties to both parents are partners. There are people arrogant vary. The mentality of some part of society develops from trivial reasons as the ratio of the load between the partners.

In the initial development of the balanced character of the son of both parents. However, Mother Nature has a deep moral, social and cultural. First developed in the environment due to economic sense, butScales dizzy heights, under the influence of parents. The influence of maternal eclipses all but the examples are not less, a common factor. The father plays an important role in learning for children of thought. The percentage of parental involvement that decreases day by day, lead to a deterioration in the behavior of children at home and abroad.

In the third world, developing and underdeveloped countries, the percentage of parental involvement always erodedan alarming rate. Religious leaders are leaders shows arrogance and ignorance. His casual attitude among the masses and at home, is clearly the destruction of the family structure. His short-sighted approach to life and family, degenerated tissues of human beings. Most of them are aware of their effects and consequences can continue to work on his style. Instead, the industrialized countries have adopted the attitude that gave an overwhelming majorityunlimited freedom, whether respected or feelings of their parents. So, it gives rise to the demoralized society. In this case, these organizations play an important role in these societies and corrupt minds.


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