famous poet of the Great Lakes

In the home of some of the most beautiful and unique in England Lake District certainly qualifies as a suggestive landscape. No wonder the region has become the attraction for the dreamer and writer, is known as the Lake of famous poets. The term refers to a group of poets who lived in the Lake District in the late nineteenth century. Although collectively, through the Romantic Movement in literature, poetsLake District not to follow a certain school of thought or literary style, which was when he was writing. All were easy to raise and inspired by the beauty of lakes and hills that surround it.

Although the work of poets of the lake was officially criticized and rejected by institutions such as the Edinburgh Review were several respected. The most important of these is probably the poet William Wordsworth, who is one of the few who were born inthe region, a few miles from Bassenthwaite. Although he left the area for a long trip to Germany with his friend, the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge finally ended in 1798 Wordsworth went to the lake with his sister Dorothy and his wife Sarah, and settled in Grasmere.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the famous composer Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner is also a poet as one of the lakes, while living only six miles from Wordsworth to Greta HallKeswick. Despite the calm and serenity of the mountains and moors, Coleridge met a lot of controversy since its inception in lakes. marital problems, a worrying trend of opium and common diseases of the poet with the problems and, finally, the composition of the poem of depression: an ode.

Besides being one of the Lake poets, Robert Southey was born in England and also a writer of essays and letters, a biographer and historian, and literature in general. It 's the bestknown as the poet laureate of Britain in 1813, a title he later called the death of 30 years, and for the life and achievements of historical figures such as John Bunyan, John Wesley, William Cowper, Oliver Cromwell and Horatio Nelson. The biographies of the men in question are still in print today. Although sometimes forgotten in the glory shining cohorts Lake Southey made an enormous contribution to the Romantic literature and is the author ofstory of Goldilocks and the Three Bears story of the beloved children in the world.


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