Water: The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner and the Need to See Ourselves

"Water, water to drink everywhere, nor any drop to ..."
I first read Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, when I was in high school. In addition to Poe's was Ulalume with Annabel Lee and Raven, one of the first verse-epics, which I love narrative poetry.

The Ancient Mariner himself was an alienated travelers, since most of us on Earth. As awkward roaming on our planet, we also slipping to undesirable and dangerous situations. NoWonder! When one stranger to the inner workings of a thing or place is intended to make an error or out of the water.

Water is one of the most important natural resource of vital importance for all living beings. All sorts of theories about water protection, which was out of the water harvesting in the desalination of water, waste management, lay on the table. Specifically, has promoted the creative urges of drinking water to health professionals as well as the sales pitch of theFly-by-night money-hungry and crafty vendors.

Commercial considerations aside betrayed, nature has its consequences as the old navigators have by shooting the albatross. But nature was kind and forgiving, as it the old sailor, as he showed repentance, forgiven, and I am sure that is the nature forgive us our past mistakes and keep offering for us, if we change our chaotic wise.

If we do not know how our resources, our water supply, or our oceans, whose fault usingis it?

Water connects us to life as our relationships and our commitment to humanity. With nearly six billion people on Earth to one time or another, have felt most of us, not only alone, but lonely.

When we see how our own body-work systems and our psyche, we understand the value of the water. Without water, there is no cleaning, no tears and is sincere repentance, forgiveness, transformation, or difficult to obtain.

In technical terms, there is such a process calledDesalination, that the salt from seawater, making it usable and drinkable. If so, why can not we take the salt out of the context of another and never feel the thirst?

As has proved to be a catalyst to take the salt from sea water, and I think there are catalysts to take to the salt from the sea of people in terms of our relationship with them. One of these catalysts starts with the will to do good, not only to do good, but also listen to see, say, think and want to work well.These are very difficult to do things and they can take more than a perfect long life, we must first ancient suspicions and the way we see each other unlearn.

Another catalyst for love and acceptance. For that we must rid ourselves of our injury fear. Again, this is very difficult because to protect themselves is a natural instinct.

But man is man only when the natural instincts and tame his own positive presence felt on the earth can corral. If weidentify ourselves with our fears, influence, and we limit our emotional make-up in the solitude.

How we see ourselves and how we identify ourselves in a sea of people, without fear, with acceptance of others with good intentions to help us overcome our limitations and to facilitate our unity with others. Then we will not say: "Water, water to drink everywhere, and no drops."

Joy Cagil is an author on a website for creative writers(http://www.Writing.Com/) Her education is in foreign languages and linguistics. She has also trained in psychology, science, mental health, and humanities. Your portfolio can be found http://www.Writing.Com/authors/joycag


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